Godly Men Provide, Protect, and Build.
Hot on the heels of Father’s Day, I thought it would be helpful to write about the role of men within their family unit. In God’s design, men are the leaders of their household. Men are responsible for providing, protecting, and building up their families in a way that reflects God’s provision, protection, and building.
Godly men provide. Men by nature long to provide food, shelter, and clothing for their wives and children. Life changes drastically for a man when he stops being a mere individual and becomes a husband and a father. Priorities change, responsibilities change, life is no longer just about “me, myself, and I.” Christian men have a further duty to provide spiritual leadership for their families. Jesus said that he provides “living water” (John 4:10). Men, lead your family to the well of eternal life. Go to church, worship together, pray at the dinner table, read the Bible to your family, live out the wisdom of God and be the example of a worshiper for them to learn from.
Godly men protect. Men like to protect what’s important to them: family, possessions, relationships, etc. Many men have what they call a “personal home security system” behind their closet door. You get my meaning. This is good and godly but we men need to be sure that our protection is comprehensive. What type of content do you allow in your home before the eyes and ears of your children? Are you covering your family in prayer daily? What ideas are your children hearing and believing? Meditate on these questions and remember this: you have to start somewhere. Take heart and know that God is for you if you are following Him.
Godly men build. In the year 1960, Walker Baptist Church burned to the ground. Instead of hiring contractors to do all of the work, the men of the church gathered each Saturday to rebuild the church block by block. It took them months and months of hard work. Young boys like P.R. Fletcher were there with their fathers each weekend, not building, but being built up. The legacy these fathers left in the hearts and minds of their sons is not easily forgotten. Building doesn’t always look the same, however, all fathers have a responsibility to disciple their children. What legacy are you leaving behind? Whose kingdom are you building? Make these words your anthem: “As for me and my house, we will serve The Lord” (Joshua 24:15).
In Christ,
Tyler Williams