Men’s Ministry
“Our mission is to provide a place, a "safe harbor", for men, old and young, to come for fellowship and discipleship, to sharpen one another as iron sharpens iron in order to meet the challenges of the gospel in our homes, our workplaces, and wherever we go.”
P.R. Fletcher has been faithfully serving the mens ministry for years. He is known for saying, “We’re not the Hebron Baptist Church Mens Ministry; we are a mens ministry for ALL MEN at Hebron Baptist Church.” He has a heart for men who are aprehensive of the church environment or who are hesitant to return to church. He hopes that the mens ministry is a good launchpad and safe harbor between the church and the community for men
P.R. Fletcher
Ministry Coordinator
Ministry Coordinator
P.R. Fletcher has been faithfully serving the mens ministry for years. He is known for saying, “We’re not the Hebron Baptist Church Mens Ministry; we are a mens ministry for ALL MEN at Hebron Baptist Church.” He has a heart for men who are aprehensive of the church environment or who are hesitant to return to church. He hopes that the mens ministry is a good launchpad and safe harbor between the church and the community for men

As our Men’s Ministry Coordinator likes to say, "This is not a ministry only for the men of Hebron, but simply a ministry hosted by Hebron for all men!” HBC Men’s Ministry prides itself on being a group of men of all ages that gather in fellowship monthly, pray for each other constantly, and serve each other and their community!
Therefore, encourage one another and
build one another up, just as you are doing.
-1 Thessalonians 5:11