Kids Ministry at Hebron Baptist Church
Know & Grow

Our heart is for the kids who come to Hebron to KNOW God and GROW in His grace (2 Peter 3:18).
Welcome to Know & Grow!
Welcome to Know & Grow!
Our heart is for the kids who come to Hebron to KNOW God and GROW in His grace (2 Peter 3:18).

Kids Ministry Programs

Corey McKinney
Meet Corey! He is over our Student Ministry at Hebron. He oversees both the nursery, kids, youth, and college ministry. He has been serving Hebron since 2022. You can typically find him chatting with people at church or spending quality time with his family.
Natasha Hall
Meet Natasha! She has attended Hebron since 2010 and has spent much of that time serving in Kids Ministry. She has 4 children of her own ranging from 11 to 20 years and homeschools her children. You can find her with her kids or jamming out to space jam with sweet tea in hand.
Kaylin Cantu
Meet Kaylin! She grew up going to kids ministry and now that she attends ministry school in New Orleans, she is serving in the Kids Ministry assisting “Mrs. Natasha” by teaching and building up the kids programs! She is currently working on a degree in Christian Education at Leavell College in Nola!
Want to join a Sunday School Class but don’t know where to bring your kids? Good News! We have Sunday School for children of all ages! Stop by our main church building your first time and we can show you where your child’s ages class is located!
Children’s church occurs during the Sunday Service following music and offering (A dismissal slide appears on the screen). In Children’s Church, kids are taught Bible stories and Biblical truths that serve as a foundation for their current and future walks with Christ. Once the service is over, you can pick up your kids from the “Kid’s Time Room,” near the coffee shop.
Note: The first time your child attends you will need to sign them in at the Kids Time Room and fill out a registration form.
Also, there is no class on the last Sunday of each month!
Wednesday Night Program from 6-8pm.
From 6-8pm, children ages 4 years-5th grade learn about the Bible, Jesus, and Christian theology in fun and exciting ways with games, crafts, videos, songs, and more!