Unity In Missions

Did you ever play football? I get that question a lot. Once my back specialist asked that question too, but he was asking for a different reason, to explain why I have arthritis in my back at the age of 35! I loved my time playing football. I loved the grit and the comradery, but I especially loved the strategy of the game, which is why I was so drawn to coaching in my twenties. As a coach I loved helping my athletes understand the decisions that we as a coaching staff were making. I needed them to understand that their coaches had their best interest and the interest of the team in mind. Maybe you have never disagreed with a coach before, but I know that I most certainly have (especially that FSU football!). I can remember it so clearly. It was my freshman year of high school. I was a superb athlete, one of the fastest on the team! I played running back, tight end, wide receiver, cornerback, and linebacker! Going into my sophomore year I thought, “surely I am going to score some touchdowns this year!” Unfortunately, that would not be the case. After practice one day the coach called me into his office and said “Travis, we need you to play left tackle for us” … Left tackle? Like, the offensive line? I was beside myself. So angry. I almost quit. I mean, how could they put one of the fastest players on the O-line? But I will never forget what my coach told me next. He said to me, “this is where the team needs you.” At that moment I realized that my coach was right. I was one of the biggest, strongest, and fastest players on the team and I understood that I could help our team win by blocking and protecting. I knew what my part was and worked hard for the team!

Today, you and I get to be on a team that makes an eternal impact on this earth. Jesus made it clear that He has only one church with many members. Here at Hebron Baptist Church we are a local body of believers committed to Jesus and what He calls us to do. Our coach, King Jesus, has called the play and has given us instructions on how to execute it. In Matthew 28:19-20 Jesus says to us, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” This is our mission. This is what we can unite with other believers for! There is no “Plan B.” You and I each have a part to play. Some are called to go, but we all are called to support through giving and prayer. We all have a part to play. Will we sit in the stands and cheer on those who play in the game? Will we watch from the sidelines and wait for an opportunity to get in the game? Or will we be faithful to play our part that Jesus has given us? Will we go or will we give?

To that end, I would like to offer you some practical ways for us to be in the game. (1) Pray. Pray for those whom God has called and sent. If you personally know people in the mission field ask them how you can pray for them specifically. (2) Give. There are many opportunities to help send those whom God has called. Think of ways you could help those on or going to the mission field. (3) Consider. Consider your own life. Is God calling you to go to the nations? Why or why not? (4) Know. Know that wherever you are God is calling you to be a missionary. Your home, your work, and your everyday interactions are all opportunities to be in the game for the Gospel. Brothers and sisters, may we be found faithful to play where the coach puts us.

In Christ,

Bro. Travis


Unity Through Doctrine


Pride and the Christian