Unity in Suffering

1 Peter 5:9 tells us to “Resist him (Satan), firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world.”

In undergraduate I was attending a Bible study and we each were asked how we can be prayed for. I remember everyone went around the room and shared what was on their hearts. Some were struggling financially, some physically, some relationally with their family or friends. I don't really remember a lot of the details but I do remember one young man's prayer request. He asked for prayer because he felt like the devil was after him. He believed that he was suffering spiritually and being attacked. When someone asked what was happening he told us he felt that way because he received a speeding ticket the day before…

Brothers and Sisters I think we often give the devil more credit than he is due. This young man got a speeding ticket because he was speeding. That was a consequence of him breaking the law. However, you and I do have a real enemy who “seeks to kill, steal, and destroy” (John 10:10). Peter says that this enemy “prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). He is called many names: deceiver, accuser, liar… Paul says that he “masquerades around as an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14). He is crafty and schemes against the children of God to bring about their downfall and somehow deface, devalue, and bring disgrace on God.

So let me put it bluntly. Satan hates you and your God. He will do whatever he can to trip you up and make you stumble. But you and I will do well to remember this… He is no match for God. They are not equals. God is in complete control. There is no end to God’s kingdom or to His rule and reign. However, there is coming a day when Satan and his angels will be no more. On the cross Jesus defeated Satan and stripped him of his power to accuse us before God (Colossians 2:14-15). One of the ways that we fight against Satan is by resisting and resting! Peter tells us to resist his lies and temptations and rest in the Gospel of Jesus… and he will flee from you!

All around the world Satan is trying to deceive and tempt God’s people. This is why it's crucial for us to be committed to gathering together as believers and devote ourselves to prayer and the Word. We must fight the good fight of faith together, not alone. Because of faith in Jesus we’re united closer than blood. Do not let the devil get a foothold in our hearts and cause us to be bitter. Let's fight together knowing the battle is already won.

Bro. Travis Cronan


A Letter to the Cultural Christian


Unity Through Doctrine