Masculinity in the Church
The church needs masculinity. Just as a family needs a strong father, the church needs strong, godly men. Could the church survive without them? Maybe, but we can see the fruits of church denominations without a leading, masculine presence. Female pastors, homosexual pastors, pro-LGBTQ stances, the denial of the Bible’s authority, the denial of God’s fatherhood to name a few. So what’s the deal? Men have either left or been pushed out of the church as it has become increasingly effeminate. What’s the cause? Feminism? Spineless men? I think so, but I want to focus on the fact that men do indeed have a place in Christ’s church. Here are three responsibilities for men in the church.
Godly men are called to lead in the church. Men are natural leaders. We lead in the home, we lead at work, but do we lead at church? There is an unspoken stigma that men have to leave their passion, aggression, and confidence at the door of the church and become “nice guys.” Don’t hear what I’m not saying. We need men to be like Jesus and that’s why we draw the line between humility and passivity. It’s time for men to bring their energy and dedication to the building up of God’s church.
Godly men stand for the truth. We live in an age where the truth is as clear as day and yet those who profess it are condemned by society at large. Sadly, many of us are products of that society. C.S. Lewis hit the nail on the head when he said, “We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise.” The truth is that it is sometimes hard to stand for the truth. However, we can’t be ruled by fear. On the contrary, our lives are ruled by faith. There are countless examples of courageous, Christ-honoring men throughout history who’s words and actions reflected their faith in God. Why not be one of them?
Godly men pursue comradery. Our faith is meant to be shared in community. You may have heard it said that women build relationships face-to-face, but men do so shoulder-to-shoulder. This is why men need to fight, build, and serve together in the church. We kill sin together. We disciple young men together. We provide help to those in need together. We worship together. How can you step up and join with other godly men at church? How can you help bring other brothers into the fold? It’s never too late to be the man God has called you to be.
Grace and Peace,
Bro. Tyler Williams